Leading Through Quality Questioning
"A leader′s job is not to have all of the right answers, but to ask the right questions. Not only does this book address self-inquiry for school leaders, it offers tools and learning support for leaders committed to improving and refining their inquiry-based leadership." —Betty Burks, Deputy Superintendent San Antonio ISD, TX "One does not immediately think of questioning as a leadership tool. Yet the compelling and engaging strategies thoughtfully described in this book will make any leader realize the power of an artful question. This is an invaluable handbook for those eager to listen differently to people, enter into dialogue about sensitive topics, and structure opportunities for people to talk constructively." —Joellen Killion, Deputy Executive Director National Staff Development Council "Walsh and Sattes have captured the essence of one of the key features of a good leader: the ability to coach others. Their quality questioning framework helps school leaders understand that the way they structure a question can be the key to building organizational capacity." —Yvonne V. Thayer, Certified Professional Coach Senior Director, Making Middle Grades Work, Southern Regional Education Board, GA "A must-read for all school leaders. This practical guide on how to create an inquiry-oriented approach to decision making enables adult learners in the school to sustain school improvement." —Betsy Rogers, School Improvement Specialist Jefferson County School District, AL "The focus of the book complements the work we are currently doing in our school district to create reflective practitioners. The Leading through Quality Questioning Framework is a clear and concise way to get the big picture of how questioning can be used to foster a culture of continuous improvement. The chapters that follow allow the reader to put the meat on the bones of the framework!" —Christopher Corallo, Director of Staff Development Henrico County Public Schools, Richmond, VA Use quality questioning to bring out the best in your learning community! Quality questioning is a process for engaging individuals in reflection, critical thinking, and collaboration. The authors demonstrate how questions, not answers, drive school improvement and growth for a learning community. This handbook for school and district leaders applies the principles of the best-selling book Quality Questioning to four critical leadership functions: Maximizing individual and organizational capacity Mobilizing individuals and groups to build ownership and commitment across a community Mediating conflict by helping individuals find common ground and focus on shared purpose Monitoring progress toward identified goals