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Museums, the Media and Refugees
Museums, the Media and Refugees
Across countries and time, asylum-seekers and refugees have been represented in a variety of ways. In some representations they appear negatively, as dangers threatening to ‘over-run’ a country or a region with ‘floods’ of incompatible strangers. In others, the same people are portrayed positively, with compassion, and pictured as desperately in need of assistance. How these competing perceptions are received has significant consequences for determining public policy, human rights, international agreements, and the realization of cultural diversity, and so it is imperative to understand how these images are perpetuated. To this end, this volume reflects on museum practice and the contexts, stories, and images of asylum seekers and refugees prevalent in our mass media. Based on case studies from Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, the overall findings are illustrative of narratives and images common to museums and the media throughout the world. They aim to challenge political rhetoric and populist media imagery and consider what forms of dissent are likely to be sustained and what narratives ultimately break through and can lead to empathy and positive political change.
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Human Remains & Museum Practice
Human Remains & Museum Practice
Human Remains and Museum Practice reflects the discussions held at the Museum of London as part of an international symposium on the political and ethical dimensions of the collection and display of human remains in museums. It explores fundamental issues of collecting and displaying human remains, including ethics, interpretation and repatriation as they apply in different parts of the world. The first section looks at the overriding issues, whilst the second part describes the practices in different parts of the world.
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Great Expectations
"A provocative, progressive rejoinder to the status quo, from the perspective of a disrupter and global leader in the museum world. The challenge to transform museums is unapologetically real and complicated. But everything we learn about reconciliation, science and biodiversity, climate change, and sustainability gives us the confidence and freedom to break through the conventions of the past. Each essay in this collection emphasises key features that are driving change in museums, such as globalization, society, authenticity, and technology. Each raises anew older themes within the canon of museology: information versus knowledge, diversity and plurality, the unending accumulation of objects and the incompleteness of collections, modes of perception, and insularity. What emerges is a new way of being a museum that is outward looking and global, and which includes chaos and surprise."--
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Challenge and Transformation
Challenge and Transformation
This publication looks at how change takes place in museums. Built around a series of case studies outlining the way ethnographic museums, historic sites and art galleries come to terms with issues of diversity and change, it is devoted to exploring diversity and promoting intercultural dialogue in museum practice.--Publisher's description.
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Spirits of the Coast
"An insightful collection exploring the plight, past and promise of the orca, powerful symbol of BC's wild coast and apex predator of all oceans. Spirits of the Coast brings together the work of marine biologists, Indigenous knowledge keepers, poets, artists and storytellers, united by their enchantment with the orca. Long feared in Western cultures as 'killer whales,' and respected and honoured by Indigenous cultures as friends, family or benefactors, orcas are complex social beings with culture and language of their own. With contributors ranging from Briony Penn to David Suzuki, Gary Geddes and Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas, this collection brings together diverse voices, young and old, to explore the magic, myths, and ecology of orcas. A literary and visual journey through past and possibility, Spirits of the Coast illustrates how these enigmatic animals have shaped us as much as our actions have impacted them, and provokes the reader to imagine the shape of our shared future."--
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Denying to the Grave
Denying to the Grave
Why do some parents refuse to vaccinate their children? Why do some people keep guns at home, despite scientific evidence of risk to their family members? And why do people use antibiotics for illnesses they cannot possibly alleviate? When it comes to health, many people insist that science is wrong, that the evidence is incomplete, and that unidentified hazards lurk everywhere. In Denying to the Grave, Gorman and Gorman, a father-daughter team, explore the psychology of health science denial. Using several examples of such denial as test cases, they propose six key principles that may lead individuals to reject "accepted" health-related wisdom: the charismatic leader; fear of complexity; confirmation bias and the internet; fear of corporate and government conspiracies; causality and filling the ignorance gap; and the nature of risk prediction. The authors argue that the health sciences are especially vulnerable to our innate resistance to integrate new concepts with pre-existing beliefs. This psychological difficulty of incorporating new information is on the cutting edge of neuroscience research, as scientists continue to identify brain responses to new information that reveal deep-seated, innate discomfort with changing our minds. Denying to the Grave explores risk theory and how people make decisions about what is best for them and their loved ones, in an effort to better understand how people think when faced with significant health decisions. This book points the way to a new and important understanding of how science should be conveyed to the public in order to save lives with existing knowledge and technology.
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Let Me Take You Down
Based on five years of interviews, this book looks at the forces that compelled Chapman to kill John Lennon. Chapman dissects his own life, describing childhood fantasies and the youthful idealism that decayed into satanic ritual and a murder that shocked the world.
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Jonathan and His Continent
Jonathan and His Continent
This Is A New Release Of The Original 1889 Edition.
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Well, Now You've Done It!
Well, Now You've Done It!
Why would two mature, stable, relatively intelligent, well-educated adults turn their backs on everything and everybody they had ever known and loved and relocate to tiny tropical island thousands of miles from a Nordstrom?
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