The Natural History and Climate Change
My research and work on a book entitled Natural history and climate change lasted over twenty years. I used in it all the academic knowledge acquired during geological studies and twenty years of complex reflections on the causes and effects of climate change and the experience of a life rich in events. You will forgive me for repeating myself in the text, but it has arisen from many separate articles written during these independent studies. I combined them into one whole by conveying my knowledge and showing that science allows us today to look into the most complicated problems of our existence. The knowledge accumulated and available in the Libraries; the Internet enables independent study in which only research passion, luck, and some free time are needed. Fortunately, fate gave me generously these gifts. If my book arouses interest and becomes a publishing success, scientific research will be an excellent incentive for well-educated average bread eaters. My book signals research issues mainly from three scientific disciplines: philosophy, history, and climatology, but also affects sociological, geological and geophysical, oceanology, agricultural, economic, demographic, political, and many other issues. In this work, I used the research of many Polish scholars and the result of other nations. I tried to show respect for the authors, quoting numerous quotes, because, without their tedious research work, I would not prove my thesis. The proper arrangement of the passages indicates the direction of my thinking about the problems being developed. The enormous extent of the subject matter has forced me to think of shortcuts not to bore readers with extensive arguments. I try to show the problems facing science, and I hope that I will arouse the interest of researchers in the amount of work to do that awaits them. When culture and science are approaching, I do not present a different perspective by believing in the self-preservation instinct of the world’s elites, who may “take a look” at my work. It remains to me that the average Kowalski-Smith will get through the sea of facts quoted in my book. I hope that they will bring the desired impression and bring us rescue. The rescue will be organized activities of the world community of scholars who know that ordinary people will not cope with the imminent climatic cataclysm without them. Jakuszowice, 16 July 2021. Bogdan Góralski