Scheduling in Computer and Manufacturing Systems
This book is the result of a joint Gennan-Polish project which has been partially sup ported by the Committee for Scientific Research 1 and the Deutsche Forschungsge meinschaft2. We appreciate the help of both institutions. The planning and preparation of the manuscript was an iterative and rather lengthy process which we had to stop at a certain stage, but it does not mean that we were fully satisfied with the output. Thus, comments and improvements will be appreciated. In the meantime we would like to thank many colleagues who already discussed with us different topics presented in the book. We are not able to list all of them but we would like to express our special gratitude toward Peter Brucker, Gerd Finke, Adam Janiak, Wieslaw Kubiak, Kathryn Stecke, and Dominique de Werra. As to the technical help in preparing the manuscript our thanks are due to Barbara Blarewicz, Brigitte Ecker, Maria Kaminska, and Brigitte Sand, especially for their typing efforts.