A Simpler Time
Growing up in the mid to late 50s and early 60s can be chronicled in many ways. We could tell the story about music, religion, cars, entertainment, and world events, but how do they tie into a life lived during this piece of history? The best way is to add a vignette or story that places the reader from the viewpoint of someone who lived it. We have taken some journalistic liberties to dramatize events that occurred through the eyes of two people, Geoff and Natalie. We have titled each chapter for additional flare with a song from the era. The mid-1950s and early '60s meant being surrounded by friends and family and listening to the words in the music played. It was going to the beach, dating, studying together, the influence of the church, watching television, or going to the movies with friends. It was the escape from home that a driver’s license gave. But it was also filled with impetuous youth, immaturity, passion and hanging on to innocence for as long as possible. A Simpler Time is merely something to be enjoyed.