Guidelines for the Integration of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Into Agricultural Policies
Policy objectives for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (SARD) may be summed up as the pursuit of the goals of growth, equity, efficiency and sustainability. Growth is important to meet the food needs of growing populations with rising incomes and to provide continued sustainable livelihoods for rural people in the future . Equity is important in terms of the relief of poverty and deprivation for this and future generations. Efficiency matters since we cannot afford to waste resources. Finally, sustainability is the objective that has come into increased prominence with the recognition of the significant threats that exist to future welfare and the environment. Sustainability has many dimensions and interpretations but, in the context of agriculture, embraces food security, responsibility in resource use and environmental management, and the resilience of production systems to shocks and challenges. There is interdependence between each of these four objectives, so that the pursuit of SARD requires an integrated approach to policy making in which all four aspects are considered.--Publisher's description.