Civilisations in Conflict?
""Samuel Huntington's thesis, which argues that there appear to be aspects of Islam that could be on a collision course with the politics and values of Western societies, has provoked much controversy. The purpose of this study is to offer a particular response to Huntington's thesis by making a comparison between the origins of Islam and Christianity; the two religions that can be said to have shaped, in contrasting ways, the history of the Western world. The early history of each faith continues to have a profound impact on the way in which their respective followers have interpreted the relationship between faith and political life. The book draws significant, critical and creative conclusions from the analysis for contemporary intercultural understanding, and in particular for the debate about the justification of violence for political and religious ends. Andrew Kirk offers a profound analysis of Christianity, Islam, and Western civilisation, providing alternatives to a clash of civilisations. He secures his right to advise others through an honest critique of his own tradition."" Matt Zahniser Scholar-in-Residence at Greenville College, Greenville, IL & Professor Emeritus of Christian Mission at Asbury Theological Seminary, KY ""An eminent missiologist, who has long reflected on Christianity and the West, applies his mind to Islam and the West. The result is a careful analysis of current debates, the identification from a Christian perspective of fundamental issues, and a prophetic call. At the centre is a valuable study of how the origins of the two faiths can determine their views of how religion relates to politics, which leads to an important discussion of the missions of both Muslims and Christians to the West."" Ida Glaser, Academic Director, Centre for Muslim-Christian Studies, Oxford ""In his latest book Civilisations in Conflict? Islam, the West and Christian Faith Andrew Kirk takes on Samuel Huntington's thesis of a clash of civilisations. Kirk takes his reader on a journey into history, showing that contemporary political stances by Muslims and Christians can be better comprehended when some of the choices made in the formative years of both traditions are understood. Rather than simply endorsing Huntington's thesis of an envisioned clash, Kirk focuses on the second and less well-known part of Huntington's thesis: 'the remaking of World Order'. He ends his book with a passionate appeal to the adherents of both Christianity and Islam to safeguard the prophetic core of their traditions. Prophetism, according to Kirk, can function as a critical notion against the development and impact of static and oppressive religious and political ideologies that enhance the probability of a clash of civilisations. Even more, the prophetic core of both religions can contribute significantly to a new - and shared - world order. A book worth reading!"" Martha Frederiks Professor of Missiology, World Christianity and Interreligious Dialogue, Utrecht University J. Andrew Kirk has spent much of his life teaching theological subjects in tertiary educational institutions in Argentina and England. He has also taught courses on all six continents. Since retirement he has been involved on a part-time basis with graduate institutes in Eastern Europe and the United Kingdom. He is the author of many books, including What is Mission? Theological Explorations and The Future of Reason, Science and Faith: Following Modernity and Postmodernity. He is married with three children and two grandchildren.