Emergency Care
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It is a unique, comprehensive text for paramedics in the UK covers all areas of knowledge that paramedics are expected to be familiar with and the wide range of situations they will face. Each chapter is written by an expert practicing in the field. The book is designed to be as accessible as possible with important points highlighted in tinted panels, lists, tables, flow charts and mnemonics. It is highly illustrated to aid comprehension. the comprehensive coverage of UK paramedic practice makes this the only book with all the core information that UK paramedics need to know the highly structured presentation (lists, tables, important points highlighted in tinted panels, flow charts, mnemonics) assists learning and revision over 350 high-quality line diagrams and photographs clearly illustrate complex procedures, relevant anatomy and give examples of equipment the text will be fully updated in line with changes to training for paramedics, paramedic protocols, technological developments etc the design and layout will be improved to make the text easier to use