The second volume of the Baker History of the Church, this book covers the years AD 312-600, explaining how the church defended itself against unorthodox views and clarified its definition of Jesus Christ.
The Monarch History of the Church is an eight-volume series by world-renowned historians and theologians. Each volume offers an even-handed, comprehensive and readable assessment of the main strands of Christianity within its period. The first volume covers the period AD 30-312. During this time, the church experienced major challenges politically, culturally and intellectually, yet grew and defined itself in remarkable ways. Here is the story of Christianity's earliest shapers - men and women whose influence is still felt today.
This book covers the period A.D. 312-600. These centuries saw the official favoring of the Christian faith in the Roman Empire and the expansion of Christianity in western Europe as well as in the Mediterranean region, Asia, and Africa. This era also witnessed the fragmentation of the political world in which the church began. Examining the challenges and opportunities generated by change, consolidation, and growth, Ivor J. Davidson assesses the complex but fascinating ways in which Christianity developed during these dramatic times.
The Monarch History of the Church is an eight-volume series by world-renowned historians and theologians. Each volume offers an even-handed, comprehensive and readable assessment of the main strands of Christianity within its period. The first volume covers the period AD 30-312. During this time, the church experienced major challenges politically, culturally and intellectually, yet grew and defined itself in remarkable ways. Here is the story of Christianity's earliest shapers - men and women whose influence is still felt today.
This book addresses many of today's key issues pertaining to free radical damage and micronutrient production. A valuable guide for a variety of specialists concerned with nutrition and the prevention of free radical tissue injury.
Guide and directory to trade unions in the UK - covers information on trade union structure, trade unionism, trade union officers, membership, the tuc and other trade union federations, etc., And includes a bibliography (pp. 377-383) of official trade union historys and addresses of other labour relations institutions. Graphs and statistical tables.
This book covers the period A.D. 312-600. These centuries saw the official favoring of the Christian faith in the Roman Empire and the expansion of Christianity in western Europe as well as in the Mediterranean region, Asia, and Africa. This era also witnessed the fragmentation of the political world in which the church began. Examining the challenges and opportunities generated by change, consolidation, and growth, Ivor J. Davidson assesses the complex but fascinating ways in which Christianity developed during these dramatic times.
This volume focuses on genetics. Topics covered include molecular genetics, DNA structure, genes, genetic code, RNA transcription, translation, DNA replication, chromosomes, organization of genomic DNA, and cell division.