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The Mysteries of the Shaman Stone
The Mysteries of the Shaman Stone
«Dear readers!This book gathers selected writings that allow you to get acquainted with my creative work. I will not list the contests and festivals on which some of the works from this book won prizes. I just want to briefly introduce you to them.“The Mysteries of the Shaman Stone” is an adventure story with elements of mysticism and love drama, interesting to readers of any gender and age. It tells a story of a visit of two Muscovites very famous in the world of literature and journalism to Ugryum-River, well-known to many Russians since childhood thanks to the eponymous feature movie, with the purpose of hunting. While there, they face unusual and mystical events that are semi-present in real life of the dwellers of taiga, in this case – the local Tofalar hunter Herman, who got his name in homage to cosmonaut Titov and who accompanies his guests on their bear hunting. However, by some quirk of fate, they get into adventures so wild and unusual, that you should read about them yourself...»
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Radiogenic Isotopes in Geologic Processes
Radiogenic Isotopes in Geologic Processes
Do we actually understand geologic processes? New technology brings new inf- mation and perceptions, which sometimes overturn imaginations based on simple observation and estimation, in conjunction with common sense inference. In 1902– 1904,PierreCurieandErnestRutherford?rstformulatedtheideaofusingradioactive transformation of nuclides as a geologic chronometer. After a century of working with such tools, geology has advanced from a descriptive science to an analytic s- encethatformulatesconclusionsbasedonexactvalues.Thetechnologyofradiogenic isotope geology has created a branch of science that considers the Earth as a planet generated within a Solar system and studies the subsequent evolution of geologic processes that has resulted in the present formation of our planet’s continents and oceans. The physicist Vitaly Ginsburg, Nobel Prize laureate, wrote recently: “If Kepler had been given information on orbital parameters of planets with modern precision, he would not have been able to formulate his laws”. Indeed, after development of laws of celestial mechanics, methods of measurements became so advanced and such numerous secondary distortion effects were found that to describe an orbit of a cosmic body by a curve of the second order would appear impossible. But it does not mean that Kepler’s laws are “cancelled”; they still occupy an honorable place in courses on celestial mechanics. A reasonable division into basic and secondary phenomena is accepted and the latter are entered as variations in the basic equations.
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That which Happened
That which Happened
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A Common Story
A Common Story
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Stories by Foreign Authors: Russian
Contains the following classic Russian short stories: MUMU by Ivan Turgenev, THE SHOT by Alexander Poushkin, ST. JOHN'S EVE by Nikolai Gogol, AN OLD ACQUAINTANCE by Leo Tolstoy.
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