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The Right Time
The Right Time
It is a fact that anywhere a person goes, they must take their entire self with them. Will the exploration of outer space remain an absolutely necessary endeavor? It will. Will the discovery of something valuable in outer space start a mad dash into it by prospectors? It will. Will the discovery of an advanced alien race influence humans philosophies and religious beliefs? It will. Join us into the lives of future human beings who must constantly examine and apply themselves against who they are and who they will become if they mingle with aliens who have a God of their own and live in a single-race, moneyless society, where duty and love are more than just words. Take the entire journey.
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Lords of the Host
Lords of the Host
Love must win, but to blood-thirsty warmongers, love is a sentiment best enjoyed after the battle is won and the carnage of their victory can be gloated over. There is clearly a distinction between love and true love. One is obtained by deeds of mercy and sacrifice with patience, while the other demands instant gratification for its pretense. And iniquity is aware of this, and it wears many disguises as any covert double agent would. Iniquity strikes at the heart of the contention between war and peace, with elements of surprise that cause each side to yield to its objective, which is the annihilation of all existence, ever hoping that it is not recognized for what it isthe common enemy in disguise. People who yield to the temptations of lies and deception are the prodigy of iniquity that survive on the advice and potency of reprobate sinners. They heed Satans call in broad daylight, not resting until evil is accomplished, and they squirm at night in the mire of iniquity, which has become a real and true resting place for them as they tally the dead and what has been destroyed in their minds eye before they sleep.
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The Right Cop
The Right Cop
Undercover detective Denny Pryor works within the toughest inner city criminal organizations imaginable. It is not ever totally clear why he chooses to put his life in harms way as often as he does. He is an excellent cop by all measures. It is not totally clear what motivates him to be excellent. He is as warm as he can be cold-blooded, honest as he can be treacherous, open as he can shut himself down. A person can love and hate him at the same time. They can love him as the human being he appears to be and hate him for the way he operates. He is a chameleon in the inner city environment, blending in with who and what is popular while he plots and accomplishes their demise. He is never less than deep cover, undercover, for as long as it takes to perform his task. He goes by the book, which he constantly revises. He knows no retreat, and he is never haunted by the demons of error that plague those who watch the innocent die on their account to remain undercover. He is totally the right cop to be partnered with in the face of danger. Then suddenly, in the twinkling of an eye, one terrible event changes his life as the right cop, and it is not totally clear why.
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Maximum Pleasure
Maximum Pleasure
This fourth book of "The Right Time" futuristic science fiction saga, continues to tell how Humans and Nutopians strive to achieve the "Maximum Pleasure" of all their endeavors within themselves, communities, cities and nations. Humans seek maximum pleasure from their gods. Nutopians are examined by the Ministers of Godlife to reveal how they will 'support' maximum pleasure. Whenever maximum pleasure will manifest itself, it will be at the right time to be given, taken, or shared by common people, warriors, criminals, and saints. Everyone's pursuit of maximum pleasure is thwarted or advanced by inevitable uncertainty which they must confront. In the future, attaining maximum pleasure will also be greatly influenced by covert Lords of the Human Observation Selection Terminus whom desire world peace at all cost. Everyone deplores killing, but 'Freedom' clashes with 'Unity' in the formation of the Federation, which is the final hope for world globalization and peace. Not to kill is not an option to achieve the maximum pleasure of world peace that Humans desire. The Federation strives to split the world into three distinct regions within four quadrants of the Earth; The Holy Lands, the Badlands, and the Federation Lands. The governing of the Tri-planet area, Readily Accessible Space, and the Nutopian Occupation, do not make the establishment of the Federation, and the achievement of "Maximum Pleasure" less complicated. Heaven and Earth are at War for Maximum Pleasure.
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Inevitable Uncertainty
Inevitable Uncertainty
Is the worst yet to come, or will there be a darkness that precedes the dawn as everyone awaits the last days? And can it be possible that the last days are the new beginning of what is truly marvelous and worth every struggle, both real and imaginary? This matter of inevitable uncertainty is a lifelong challenge that will not yield to the intentions of the best plans. One must endure its magnitude with boldness and faith that is nurtured in the mind and deposited into the heart, where every beat pounds it into submission to indomitable will, lest despair direct one to an insignifi cant fate. I believe! One must proclaim, and then prophesy to the horizon whether it forebodes malady or casts a sweet allurement. I will! One must proclaim in spite of dissenters who prove to be great fair weather company along for the ride. And one must pray that one will survive through the foolish measures of their own unbridled bravery, while the course through the unknown looms as an undefeatable giant. No time is wasted, for every step forward is progress and every resting place is a recharge, every fall is a chance to rise again. Surely the demons will howl when the moon rises and the day vultures will soar in the midst of the trial, which hardens your resolve, and you shall laugh when your victory shuts their mouths. And those who laugh last, laughs best.
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The Right Time
The Right Time
It is a fact that anywhere a person goes, they must take their entire self with them. Will the exploration of outer space remain an absolutely necessary endeavor? It will. Will the discovery of something valuable in outer space start a mad dash into it by prospectors? It will. Will the discovery of an advanced alien race influence human's philosophies and religious beliefs? It will. Join us into the lives of future human beings who must constantly examine and apply themselves against who they are and who they will become if they mingle with aliens who have a God of their own and live in a single-race, moneyless society, where duty and love are more than just words. Take the entire journey
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