PassPORTS, ClassROOMS, & JobMARKETS : Growth Planning Strategies for Student Success By: Anthony M. Baird, Ed.D.; Irene Irudayam, Ed.D.; & Patricio V. Jorge, Ed.D. “In today’s knowledge economy, intellectual currency is getting transferred from one country to another and the physical boundaries are not hindrance anymore when compared to the situation three decades back. No wonder, universities in United States are attracting students from all over the world. Two primary reasons of such attraction are (i) quality of education provided by educational institutions in United States is very high, and (ii) the return of investment on education is phenomenally high. Despite growing influx of students from various countries, little is known about the whole process of educational system and the way in which inputs are transformed into outputs to various students. In general, they learn on their own following the concept of learning while doing. "At this juncture, this book is written with the purpose of providing students and public about what is containing in the ‘black box’… a sequence [of] the entire process of what students need to know from the beginning of entering United States until they get out of the universities to get employed.” Dr. Satya Parayitam, PhD