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Reporting on Income Distribution and Poverty
Reporting on Income Distribution and Poverty
Richard Hauser Irene Becker Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, FrankfurtlMain This volume marks the end of a research project of the editors titled "The Devel opment of the Personal Distribution of Income in Germany" that was financed by the Hans Bockler Foundation from 1994 to 2001. This research concentrated on a national perspective, studying many aspects of income inequality and poverty in West Germany between 1969 and 1998 and extending the analyses to inequality in East Germany after the German reunification. Now at the end point of our empiri cal analyses, we want to expand the perspective to other research in this field, to challenges for future research, and to the European dimension, rather than to summarise all our results, which is done in another bookl. In 2001, the German goverrunent published its first Poverty and Wealth Re 2 port , which also draws on results from our research project. Thus, the intention of this volume is threefold: presenting and advancing Gernlan reporting on poverty in other coun and wealth, examining experience with advanced reporting schemes tries, and discussing comparative concepts for social monitoring in the European Union.
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The Personal Distribution of Income in an International Perspective
The Personal Distribution of Income in an International Perspective
The book examines the development and the dynamics of the personal distribution of income in Germany, Great Britain, Sweden and the United States and some other OECD countries. Starting with the distribution of labour income, the issue is then expanded to include all monetary incomes of private households and to adjust for household size by an equivalence scale. Some authors analyse one country in detail by decomposing aggregate inequality measures, other authors focus on direct comparisons of some features of the income distribution in Germany with those in Great Britain or in the United States. The results suggest dominant influences of unemployment as well as of tax and transfer policies and different welfare regimes, respectively, but also show that our knowledge about distributional processes is still limited.
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Mother of Reason and Revelation
Mother of Reason and Revelation
This book presents a first inventory of Medieval Jewish linguistic thinking, covering the period from Sa'adya Gaon to Profiat Duran. The author claims that the Hebrew grammatical tradition itself contains but vague reminiscences of actual linguistic thinking. However, contemporary philosophical treatises, exegetical works, and scientific encyclopedias of Rabbanite and Karaite provenance provide these reminiscences with a general theoretical background.
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Dublin, TN
Dublin, TN
On the surface, the sleepy little town of Dublin in East Tennessee seems like a wonderful place to live. But just scratch the surface of its fertile soil and you’ll see there’s more going on than just Mom’s Bakery, the Chew-Chew Diner, and people falling in and out of love. There’s also an undercurrent of greed, corruption, secrets, and malice that affect the whole town. Told partly by the dead mayor’s perspective, the town of Dublin, TN prevails with humor and wisdom.
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The Kidpower Book for Caring Adults
The Kidpower Book for Caring Adults
This comprehensive guide prepares parents, educators, and other caring adults to protect children and teens from bullying, violence, and abuse through awareness, action, and skills. Kidpower's positive hands-on method reduces anxiety, develops competence, and increases confidence for adults and children alike. Topics include: building a foundation of emotional safety; self-protection to stop most trouble before it starts; and healthy boundaries to prevent problems and develop positive relationships. "The Kidpower Book for Caring Adults" is the most comprehensive guide available for adults who want to learn how to protect and promote the emotional and physical safety of the young people in their lives. Through inspiring stories, clear explanations, and step-by-step practices, readers gain extensive knowledge from Kidpower's 25+ years of experience of teaching "People Safety" skills to over 2.5 million children, teens, and adults worldwide. These social-emotional skills help prepare adults to protect and empower the young people in their lives. Instead of using fear to teach about violence prevention, Kidpower makes it fun to learn to be safe! Kidpower is highly recommended by experts worldwide for teaching violence prevention and personal safety skills in ways that are positive, practical, effective, safe, and relevant across a wide range of cultures, life situations, ages, and abilities. Gavin de Becker, best-selling author of "The Gift of Fear" and "Protecting the Gift" and leading expert worldwide on the prediction and management of violence, wrote the foreword. According to Mr. de Becker, "Kidpower has an exceptional track record in the field of violence prevention and personal safety. Kidpower helps to reduce worry by promoting confidence and personal power." According to Ellen Bass, co-author of "The Courage to Heal" and "Free Your Mind," and Kidpower's founding board president, "Kidpower's upbeat approach empower's kids and adults alike with the social-emotional skills they need, not just to be safe, but to thrive. Kidpower's commitment to integrity, respect, and excellence is reflected throughout this book." To learn more about Kidpower's workshops, consultation, and other educational resources, visit All income from books sales helps our nonprofit organization create and provide extensive free and affordable educational resources.
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Public Enemy Number One
Public Enemy Number One
Al Brady was an armed robber and murderer in the 1930s and became the FBI's Public Enemy #1. The crime spree of Brady and his gang brought them from the south and midwest to Maine. A hardware store owner in Bangor became suspicious when Brady requested a large supply of ammunition and paid with an equally large amount of cash, and notified police. The FBI was waiting in ambush for them when they arrived to pick up the ammo. The rest is history, as on October 12, 1937, Brady and an accomplice were killed in a hail of bullets in broad daylight in downtown Bangor. This spectacular public gun-battle has become an integral part of Maine lore. Now, historian Trudy Irene Scee tells the story, including Brady's growing up in Indiana, his criminal exploits, and what brought he and his cohorts to Maine.
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The Values of Economics
The Values of Economics
In his Ethics, Aristotle argued that human beings try to further a variety of values by balancing them, stating that people try to find a middle road between excess and deficiency. The author develops and applies this idea to the values of economics, arguing that in the economy; freedom, justice and care are also balanced to further ends with scarce means. Freedom is furthered through market exchange, justice through a redistributive role of the state, and care through mutual gifts of labour and sharing of resources in the economy. The book argues that economics is, and has always been, about human values, which guide, enable, constrain and change economic behaviour.
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