The Kidpower Book for Caring Adults
This comprehensive guide prepares parents, educators, and other caring adults to protect children and teens from bullying, violence, and abuse through awareness, action, and skills. Kidpower's positive hands-on method reduces anxiety, develops competence, and increases confidence for adults and children alike. Topics include: building a foundation of emotional safety; self-protection to stop most trouble before it starts; and healthy boundaries to prevent problems and develop positive relationships. "The Kidpower Book for Caring Adults" is the most comprehensive guide available for adults who want to learn how to protect and promote the emotional and physical safety of the young people in their lives. Through inspiring stories, clear explanations, and step-by-step practices, readers gain extensive knowledge from Kidpower's 25+ years of experience of teaching "People Safety" skills to over 2.5 million children, teens, and adults worldwide. These social-emotional skills help prepare adults to protect and empower the young people in their lives. Instead of using fear to teach about violence prevention, Kidpower makes it fun to learn to be safe! Kidpower is highly recommended by experts worldwide for teaching violence prevention and personal safety skills in ways that are positive, practical, effective, safe, and relevant across a wide range of cultures, life situations, ages, and abilities. Gavin de Becker, best-selling author of "The Gift of Fear" and "Protecting the Gift" and leading expert worldwide on the prediction and management of violence, wrote the foreword. According to Mr. de Becker, "Kidpower has an exceptional track record in the field of violence prevention and personal safety. Kidpower helps to reduce worry by promoting confidence and personal power." According to Ellen Bass, co-author of "The Courage to Heal" and "Free Your Mind," and Kidpower's founding board president, "Kidpower's upbeat approach empower's kids and adults alike with the social-emotional skills they need, not just to be safe, but to thrive. Kidpower's commitment to integrity, respect, and excellence is reflected throughout this book." To learn more about Kidpower's workshops, consultation, and other educational resources, visit All income from books sales helps our nonprofit organization create and provide extensive free and affordable educational resources.