Paper Money of the United States, 21st edition
The standard reference on American currency, internationally acknowledged as the most comprehensive and universally recognized guide on the subject, illustrating and valuating all types of United States paper money. The fronts and backs of all classes and types of currency, from 3 cents to 10,000 dollars are illustrated in color, with text listing, describing and giving market values in up to seven states of preservation for every variety of paper money ever issued. Also contains sections on Colonial and Continental currency and a listing by type of the issues of the Confederate States of America (1861-1864). Also chapters on error notes, encased postage stamps and postage envelopes. Paper Money of the United States has been an invaluable asset to currency collectors and numismatists since its first edition in 1953. It also possesses an appeal and value of its own, not just to lovers of Americana and of the fine art of engraving, but to students of American history, finance and economics. Banks in America and throughout the world will find this book especially useful in that it makes possible the immediate identification of all obsolete but still legal tender paper money, while simultaneously giving a market valuation. It is a book which belongs in every library, public and private.