Sacred Evil : Encounter With The Unknown
Enchantress and author, Ipsita Roy Chakraverti, an adept at both the western witchcraft tradition, as well as the Indian science of Dakini Vidya, presents nine true encounters, laced with the powers of light and darkness, that look beyond the limited reality of the manifest, to the finer realities of the soul and spirit. Based on real-life stories of people who, troubled by forces and events they cannot comprehend, have sought her out through her many years as a practitioner and scholar of the occult, these incidents involving mystic-saints, necromancers, zombies, Tantrics, and restless spirits are an analytical and lucid presentation of otherworldly phenomena. Through them, the author gives us a tantalizing glimpse of a deeper, darker, infinitely more complex, world. And gently mocks our limited perception of it.