The Basic Ivp Reference Collection
Everything you need to start studying the Bible electronically- New Bible Dictionary- New Bible Commentary- New Bible Atlas- Also includes a free KJV BibleThe Basic IVP Reference Collection, built on the new Libronix Digital Library System(TM), is extremely easy to use. Enter a Bible passage or a topic and the software will automatically search and open every reference in your electronic library. With a complete user's manual on the CD, even a new computer user who has never run Bible software of any kind can immediately get results like a professional scholar.Also on this CD-ROM are many more up-to-date, comprehensive reference works you can purchase and unlock anytime, including IVP's Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms, Pocket Dictionary of Biblical Studies, Pocket Dictionary for the Study of New Testament Greek, Pocket Dictionary of Apologetics & Philosophy of Religion, The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament, The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament, Hard Sayings of the Bible, Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels,Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, Dictionary of the Later New Testament & Its Developments, Dictionary of New Testament Background, New Dictionary of Theology, New Dictionary of Biblical Theology, and several Bible versions (including NASB, NRSV, NLT and RSV that are unlockable for an additional fee).This powerful collection of basic Bible reference tools is ideal for pastors, students, Sunday school teachers and anyone who is serious about studying the Bible.System requirements: Windows 98 and beyond, Pentium 133MHz, 64 MB RAM, 60 MB hard drive capacity, CD-ROM drive, 800 x 600 or higher screen resolution. (Sorry, not yet Macintosh compatible.)If you notice performance problems, please contact Logos Research Systems, Inc. online or at 360-679-4496.