This book assumes you have knowledge of general management practices, but not necessarily specific Knowledge practices. It’s written so that you can skim through areas you are already familiar with, picking up the specific Knowledge terminology Those of you with no formal training in project management but lots of experience will find the management processes and techniques defined in such a way that you’ll recognize things you’ve always done and be able to identify them with Guide to the management process names or methodologies. Recent literature has shown a renewed interest in systems implementation research. Current trends in the organizational deployment of industries have motivated new studies of implementation efforts. A survey of this study of conceptual management, based on previously validated management methods and process. The results of the analysis show that, for the data of this study, the organizational priority given to implementation projects by top management is only associated indirectly with improved user information satisfaction (UIS). Only when this priority occurs in the management of continuing development and enhancement, does top management support seem to be significant to users. It was also found that the efficiency and flexibility of the development process was significant in its own right, even without any effects of top management support. Purpose: This handbook provides an overview of environment and energy management as conceptual management. This document describes the basic concepts and processes that guide environment and energy management planning and implementation during project development. Audience: Industry project managers, functional managers, and staff engaged in the delivery of environment and energy management research, academia. Background: The purpose of this handbook is to make the present policy/subject matter more useful and easier to understand with enhanced concepts. I acknowledge my debts to my wife Smita for her constant support, my sister Indrayani for encouragement. I express my deep sense of gratitude to Hon. Shri. Vijaysigh Shankarrao Mohite-Patil, Founder, SMSMPITR, Akluj, Hon. Shri. Jaysigh Shankarrao Mohite-Patil, Chairman, SMSMPITR, Akluj, Hon. Swaruparani Jaysigh Mohite-Patil, Campus Director, SMSMPITR, Akluj, Hon. Shri. Rajendra Chougule, Secretary, SMSMPITR, Akluj for being a constant source of inspiration for me.