Kaleidoscope: Turns of Prose and Poetry is a collection of literature from The Carnegie Writers, Inc. Adult Writing Workshop. Through poetry, prose, and play-writing, each writer involved brought their own voice to the page. Everyone sees something different in a kaleidoscope, but to communicate that vision is something else entirely. These writers beautifully depict the shifting shapes and colors of everyday life. Writing Facilitators Heather Hickox and Brian Smith would like to thank the participants of the Adult Writing Workshop for their hard work and commitment to this project. Kaleidoscope is a wonderful achievement, a true monument to creative expression, and we hope it will be enjoyed and explored for ages. The Carnegie Writers, Inc. is a community-based non-profit organization focused on writing education and collaboration. The Carnegie Writers provides positive and productive support for writers of all ages, also offering publications, writing events, and professional conferences. The organization was founded by Oluwakemi Elufiede in August 2013.