Introduction to Integrated Education
Education is a process to change the behavior of an individual in the society and his surrounding, through teaching and guiding as the fundamental activity among other activities in the community. This definition stresses on the change of behavior from bad to good, from minimum to maximum from potential to actual and from passive to active. All the changes are through the teaching process, which does not end at the level of individual, but up to the level of society. In this sense, the educational process will enhance individual as well as social piety. Islamic education on the other hand, can be defined as all efforts to educate and develop individual self and his human resources for a perfect person. This definition is in accordance with the view of Islam on the real meaning of education, that is to actualize a person who has strong faith in Allah the Almighty and at the same time, he is able to keep in balance his pious relationship with his God and fellow being positively as well as constructively. Islamic education is an education which has fundamental principles like independent methods, learning based on self-reliance, freedom in teaching, self-study, special attention on children, encouraging the skill and potencies of the student, appreciation of the students' intelligence, teaching through suitable approaches, kind guidance, and softness. Islamic education focuses on the behavior education, giving special attention on the development of skill in oratory, reasoning and speech presentation, reading enrichment on the classical Islamic book and consistent in learning, research and teaching which all are based on long life education. Meanwhile, the aim of Islamic education is personality construction, educating the mind and heart, nourishing the potencies, inhabits good conduct and preparing the child to be sincere and clean in mind and heart based on the teaching of Islam. The whole activities and the subjects taught at the process of education should be tahdhibul akhlaq (etiquette construction). The author in this book tries to describe the foundation of integrated education based on the light of al-Qur'an and Prophetic Tradition. The elaboration of its nature also includes the basic principle, curriculum and method of this institution. In the end of narration, the book explains vividly the historical studies on its ideal model that developed significantly through the passage of times.