Melancholy and drug-fuelled horror stories where the weirdest of the weird slips through the world with the greatest ease while the most mundane is filled with darkness. This is the author's first book.
The first two thirds of this thesis—tentatively titled The Multipurpose Room & Other Rooms—is the beginning of a collection plus the first third or so of a novel-in-progress. The collection includes six short stories and two novellas I wrote during my time at CalArts. Two shorts have since been published: “Dewclaw” (in the anthology Humanagerie) and “Sublet” (in Strange Horizons). The rest remain unpublished, including the novellas The Multipurpose Room and The Gentleman Balloonist. I decided not to include the two other short stories I wrote at CalArts because they didn’t fit well with the rest of the collection. The novel is currently titled Preserve. These surreal stories—which often feature or suggest elements of the fantastic—explore grief, addiction, broken homes, fraught relationships, and blasted landscapes.