Women of Myth
A tragedy. A fairy tale. An adventure. A horror story. In this thought-provoking anthology, I.A WATSON turns the spotlight on the heroines of legend, to give voice on ancient injustices, to rediscover ignored passions, and to take terrible revenges. "The Flower Maiden" features Blodeuwedd, a young woman literally created to be the perfect wife for a great lord. What happens if she wants a life different from the one she was magically made for? What happens if the heroine wants to rescue herself? Revisiting Celtic myth from the Mabinogion, this story speaks of passion, revenge, and the rights of champions. "The Lady of the Land" is a kitchen wench enslaved by her wicked stepmother and ugly stepsisters, humbled and overlooked in a harsh cruel world. When she aids an old crone in the forest and meets a disguised prince she is drawn into a twilight realm of deceit and destiny that will save or doom the kingdom. The traditional fairy story now best known as "Cinderella" gets retold, filling in the missing details of the prince's journey and that of the hearth-servant's household. What makes Cinders the heroine? Is she only the trophy centrepiece of the narrative, or is there more to her that fits her for greatness? "Sometimes A Princess Must Die" gives voice to Hesione, Princess of Troy, who was sacrificed to a monster and rescued by mighty Hercules. Hesione's perspective of rulers, heroes, and monsters is far from the standard legend, though. This time the princess has a voice, recounting the dangers and doom that a damsel of myth endures in a world dominated by warrior heroes. "The Mother of Demons" introduces Lilith, first wife of Adam. Is she mistress of devils, slayer of infants, seducer of man and enemy of Eve's daughters? Or is she the first independent woman, defier of patriarchy, before sin, the ultimate rebel? What happens when she encounters history's most powerful sorcerer-king, Solomon the Great, and Solomon's estranged once-true-love Princess Naamah? This work includes adult themes.