Geguritan Amad Muhamad: Analysis Of Structure, Educational Values And Functions
Sincere gratitude of the writer towards God Almighty/Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa for His grace, the book that readers read can be resolved. This book contains two major discussions namely the structure of Geguritan Amad Muhamad and its educational values. The structures contained in the Geguritan Amad Muhamad include incidents, plot, character/characterization, setting, theme, and moral value. Geguritan Amad Muhamad in the study of educational values related to Divinity, namely the teachings of Panca Sradha which is a belief in God, Atman, Karma Phala, Punarbhawa, and Moksha. Leadership is an educational value that guides and leads by practicing the teachings of Catur Dharmaning Nerpati and Asta Brata. Heroism is an educational value that teaches the noble values of a person. Humanity is an educational value related to attitudes and behavior that always help others without expecting results. Values related to love is compassion by practicing the teachings of Tri Hita Karana. Morality educational value is deeds based on ethics. The value of ceremonial education in Geguritan Amad Muhamad is related to the procedures for carrying out the relationship between Atma and Parama Atma, between humans and the universe, and Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa and with all its manifestations, to achieve purity of soul, and values related to aesthetics, directed to can enjoy the beauty described in the literary work. Besides, Geguritan Amad Muhamad also has an educational function about the responsibilities of a leader in realizing a good and healthy government, which can be divided into three namely: (1) The educational functions regarding the role and responsibilities of a leader, (2) The educational functions regarding the leadership spirit of a knight, (3) The function of children's ethical education in society.