Juvenile Justice
The guiding philosophy of the juvenile justice system is that the rehabilitation of the juvenile offender is the best way to prevent him from re-offending. The task of rehabilitation involves re-integrating the juvenile offender with his family and the community. It requires him to take responsibility both for his wrongdoing and his future. This is an effort involving many parties, not least the juvenile offender himself. This book explores the roles played by the various parties in the rehabilitation of the juvenile offender, including probation officers, social workers, institutional staff, his school, parents, extended family, and so on. It also covers the legal principles, case law, procedures and processes in the arena of juvenile crime, and shows how the juvenile justice system is designed to advance and promote the rehabilitation philosophy. Packed with comprehensive and useful information and insights, analyses of reported cases, as well as case studies of juvenile offenders, this book will be a useful guide and resource for anyone who is interested in learning about the Singapore juvenile justice system. Highlights : analyses juvenile arrest cases over the past decade, details the workings of the juvenile justice system and roles played by its numerous stakeholders, tackles various technical legal issues unique to juvenile law, provides case studies of actual juvenile offenders, presents statistics (including ones not currently publicly available) on the recidivism rates of juvenile offenders.