Teologías Queer Globales
In this groundbreaking work, the queer theologian Hugo Córdova Quero immerses us in a captivating journey through the intersection of theology and sexual and gender diversity in a global context. Unlike comprehensive and definitive compendiums, this book challenges the notion that every aspect related to queer theologies has been exhausted upon completing each chapter. Recognizing the impossibility of such an endeavor, Córdova Quero invites us to explore the intricate dynamics between faith, sexuality, and gender in today's society.The archaeology of this book encompasses not only its writing but also decades of the author's research. He has established ministerial networks, both in-person and virtual, with theologians and queer communities worldwide. This research draws from the author's personal experience, as he has witnessed devotional moments and delved into the reading and interpretation of sacred texts. Furthermore, Córdova Quero presents himself as a queer theologian who has unearthed, acknowledged, and deconstructed the history of Christianity and the systematization of religious beliefs.The book also reflects the author's experiences as an Associate Professor of Critical Theories and Queer Theologies at the Starr King School for the Ministry since 2009. Through this academic work, Córdova Quero has contributed to opening the door to crucial conversations about inclusion, justice, and spirituality in a diverse world.