The Manhattan Transfer
"You've heard of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous? Well, this isn't it; it's more like Lifestyles of the Rich and Infamous. . . .With deals, double-crosses, blackmail, the law, and millions of dollars being thrown into the mix, The Manhattan Transfer is a feast for the senses."-Polaris Reviews "First-time novelist Howard Greenberg makes an impressive debut with skillful writing and story organization. . . . a rock-solid start from a writer to watch.-The US Review of Books The Manhattan Transfer showcases retiring New York City hero cop Richard Weiss. After finding his best friend John suddenly dead, he forms a bond with John's business partner Janice Eastman. Her goal is to complete research on government land in Manhattan slated for sale and transfer to private investors. While Eastman and Weiss are attempting to complete John's work, they unwittingly become major targets for elimination by underworld sources. They inadvertently become obstacles to powerful crime families: the Sardona organization based in the Little Italy neighborhood of lower Manhattan and the comparatively new, but equally ruthless and cunning, Dandakova crime family of the Little Odessa Brighton Beach section of Brooklyn. The research can jeopardize the plans of both families to build and own a casino in New York City. Along with the potential of damaging news from Eastman, mistrust and deceit permeates this unholy alliance of rivals. Backroom wheeling and dealing abound as each family strives for more wealth, power, and prestige among their peers. Blackmail and millions of dollars have already induced Michael K. Glazer, an up-and-coming politician, to lend his political savvy, knowledge, and connections needed for them to fulfill their goals. With his support, the crime bosses thought most of the difficult obstacles would be eliminated. Only one hurdle remained. The work being done by Janice Eastman, her company Find the Past, and her new friend Richard Weiss. With hundreds of millions of dollars at stake and the future well-being of both families, only time and good fortune will determine the final outcome. Howard Greenberg, a retired New York City school teacher and administrator of more than thirty-five years, now resides in Lake Worth, Florida. He received his Bachelor's degree from Long Island University, Master's degree from Brooklyn College, and post-graduate degree from Richmond College. His entire immediate family was also involved in education as well as law enforcement. During his early adult years in New York, he worked with and for numerous politicians. This is his first novel.