Managing Challenging Behaviors in Schools
"No one knows the literature on challenging behavior better than Lane and her colleagues. This book translates that knowledge into practice in a way that teachers will benefit from tremendously. With a focus on both instructional and management variables associated with preventing and dealing with difficult behavior, the book provides concise, easy-to-follow explantions of interventions. It is a unique resource that preservice and practicing teachers will refer to often."---Timothy J. Landrum, PhD, Department of Special Education, University of Louisville "I am extremely impressed with this book, including its content, organization, and the strong emphasis on workable, effective strategies for today's schools and classrooms. The strategies are presented in the context of a three-tiered model that allows teachers to specifically match student needs. I have not seen a resource of this type that is so well tailored to the needs of classroom teachers."---Hill M. Walker, PhD, Codirector, Institute on Violence and Destructive Behavior, University of Oregon "Using the best evidence from research and practice, this comprehensive book presents a wealth of information for managing challenging behavioral difficulties in schools. Readers learn how to systematically plan and deliver approaches that increase in intensity of support. The strategies are described in a step-by-step format, with consideration for different age groups of learners, so that both new and experienced teachers can immediately apply them in their classrooms. As a text, this book would be an excellent addition to any teacher education, educational administration, or school psychology training program. It will also be an extremely useful professional development resource.---Melody Tankersley, PhD, Special Education Program, Kent State University This book provides tested, easy-to-implement strategies for preventing problem behavior in the classroom and responding effectively when it does occur. Chapters describe specific steps that K-12 teachers and other school-based professionals can take to develop effective classroom rules and routines, plan suitably challenging instruction, and promote student engagement and motivation. Presenting a continuum of strategies from prevention to more intensive behavior supports, the book offers clear-cut instructions for implementing behavioral contracts, self-monitoring, and functional assessment-based interventions. Special features include more than a dozen reproducible checklists, selfassessment tools, and planning forms; the large-size format facilitates photocopying.