Maths Quest 9 for New South Wales
Maths Quest 9 for New South Wales 5.2 Pathway is part of a three book series that meet all the requirements of the Stage 5.2 pathway syllabus (covering Stage 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 outcomes), with a fresh, contemporary design and carefully planned content. Features Full colour with stimulating photographs and graphics to support real-life applications An introductory set of questions at the start of each chapter that are based on the learning outcomes of previous levels, to help establish the students' current level of understanding Carefully graded exercises throughout the chapters, with many skill and application problems, multiple-choice questions, chapter summaries and chapter reviews to consolidate learning Maths Quest challenge questions - more difficult problems designed to extend students Cross-references to relevant worked examples matched to questions throughout the exercises Two sets for 10 Quick Questions in each chapter to provide a cumulative review of concepts covered Puzzles, investigations, graphics calculator tips, history or mathematics, career profiles and more . . . Technology is fully integrated - as well as graphics calculators, Maths Quest features computer algebra systems, spreadsheets, dynamic geometry software and several graphing packages. Maths Quest 9 for New South Wales 5.2 Pathway eBookPLUS is an electronic version of the student textbook as well as a complementary set of targeted digital resources. These flexible and engaging resources are available online at the jacarandaPLUS website ( Your eBookPLUS resources include: interactivities games skillsheets worksheets Test Yourself multiple choice questions Click here to view Maths Quest 9 for New South Wales 5.2 Pathway eBookPLUS.