Sin and Grace
Originally published in Dutch in the USA in 1923 and titled Van Zonde en Genade, book argues against the concept of a common grace of God to the reprobate that was first introduced into theological circles by Dr. Abraham Kuyper of the Netherlands. Authors show the theory of common grace to be unbiblical and contrary to the Reformed continental creeds. The authors supply a brief history of the importance of particular grace in Reformed theology, land ay out their analysis of sin and grace using an "organic" approach, often quoting from Kuyper's work De Gemeene Gratie. They answer pro-common grace arguments of Rev. Henry Wierenga of the Christian Reformed Church and of Dr. Valentine Hepp of the Free University of Amsterdam. They also exegete key Bible passages that pro-common grace men were fond of quoting. This book is of historical importance in revealing the controversies of the 1920s, which resulted, after the pubication of the book, in the deposition of both authors from the Christian Reformed Church and their helping to found the Protestant Reformed Churches, which stood squarely against common grace and for a particular grace of God in the salvation of the elect.