Formulas for Propellers in Yaw and Charts of the Side-force Derivative
Summary: General formulas are given for propellers for the rate of change of side-force coefficient with angle of yaw and for the rate of change of pitching-moment coefficient with angle of yaw. Charts of the side-force derivative are given for two propellers of different plan form. The charts cover solidities of two to six blades and single and dual rotation. The blade angles range from 15° or 20° to 60°. The equations, and the charts computed from the equations, are based on an unpublished analysis, which incorporates factors not adequately covered in previously published work and gives good agreement with experiment over a wide range of operating conditions. A study of the equations indicates that they are consistent with the following physical interpretation: In developing side force, the propeller acts like a fin of which the area is the projected side area of the propeller, the effective aspect ratio is of the order of 8, and the effective dynamic pressure is roughly that at the propeller disk as augmented by the inflow. The variation of the inflow velocity, for a fixed-pitch propeller, accounts for most of the variation of side force with advance-diameter ratio. The charts may be applied to obtain the rate of change of normal-force coefficient with angle of attack of the axis of rotation if proper account is taken of the upwash or downwash from the wing.