The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover
The volume by President Hoover is organized as follows: Introduction The Origins of the Depression 1. The Origins of the Great Depression 2. We Attempt to Stop the Orgy of Speculation 3. Our Weak American Banking System 4. Federal Government Responsibilities and Functions in Economic Crises Remedial Measures 5. A Summary of the Evolution of the Depression 6. First Phase of the Depression – October, 1929, to April, 1931 7. Second Phase of the Depression-April to August, 1931 8. Third Phase of the Depression—August to November, 1931 9. Fourth Phase of the Depression-November, 1931, to July, 1932 10. Fourth Phase of the Depression-November, 1931, to July, 1932 (Cont’d) 11. Fourth Phase of the Depression-November, 1931, to July, 1932 (Cont’d) 12. Fourth Phase of the Depression-November, 1931, to July, 1932 (Cont’d) 13. Fourth Phase of the Depression-November, 1931, to July, 1932 (Cont’d) 14. Fourth Phase of the Depression-November, 1931, to July, 1932 (Cont’d) 15. Fourth Phase of the Depression-November, 1931, to July, 1932 (Cont’d) 16. Action From the Adjournment of Congress in July Until the 17. Fifth Phase of the Depression-September, 1932, to March, 1933 18. Ominous Economic Signs The Presidential Election of 1932 19. The Background of the 1932 Campaign 20. The Campaign Debate 21. Charges of Responsibility for the Depression 22. The “Hoover Did Nothing” Issue 23. The Federal Expenses and Tax Issue 24. The Gold Standard and Managed Currency Issues 25. The Tariff Issue 26. Agricultural Issues 27. Labor, Relief, and Public Works Issues 28. The Prohibition Issue 29. Business Regulation Issues 30. Collectivism by “Planned Economy” 31. Home Again The Aftermath 32. The Aftermath 33. Building the Trojan Horse of Emergency 34. The Recognition of Russia and the World Economic Conference in 1933 35. Usurpation of Power 36. Collectivism Comes to the Currency—and Its Consequences 37. Fascism Comes to Agriculture 38. Fascism Comes to Business—With Dire Consequences 39. Fascism Comes to Labor—With Consequences 40. Introduction to Socialism Through Electrical Power 41. Direct Relief and Public Works 42. Collectivism by Thought Control and Smear 43. Some Good Actions 44. The Expenditures, Accounting and Statistics 45. The Consequences