Old and New Paris
Old and New Paris: Its History, Its People, and Its Places by Henry Sutherland Edwards. Complete edition with a few hundred illustrations. Paris is the most ancient and the most modern capital in Europe. Eighteen century, as a fortress or walled town on an island in the middle of the Seine; and at every period of its history we find some chronicler dwelling on the disappearance of ancient landmarks. Whole quarters are known to have been pulled down and rebuilt under the second Empire. But ever since the Revolution of 1789, under each successive form of government and in almost every district, straggling lanes have been giving way gradually to wide streets and stately boulevards, and suburb after suburb has been merged into the great city. PARIS world, and the rendezvous of its most brilliant intellects." The art and literature of Europe were at that time represented in Paris by such men as Ary Scheffer, the Dutch painter, Rossini, Meyerbeer, and Heine himself.