Then Shall That Wicked Be Revealed
The book of Revelation is unlike any other book in scripture, filled with symbols and apocalyptic language. It has become a magnet for some, and confusion for others; while still others ignore it altogether. There are many today who believe and hold that the book of Revelation is not about the future, but rather the past, fulfilled with the destruction of the Jewish Temple and city of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. by the Roman armies. While many others hold that the book of Revelation is prophetic and was written for a future time beyond the judgment that fell on the Jewish nation in 70 A.D.; and continues to be debated today between these two Christian camps: the Preterists and Futurists. It is vital that the people of God are given the truth about prophetic scripture. Today it is a fact that false teachers are everywhere in the body of Christ, and have all but snuffed out the light of Christ's prophetic truth. We of the body of Christ cannot continue to sit on the sidelines and remain silent. We must, as good soldiers in Christ arise and go forth in battle to defeat our Lord's enemies wherever they may be found. As soldiers of Christ we do this with the weapons at our disposal that God gave us; the Sword of Christ, the Sword of Truth, the Holy Scriptures. Many times the question has arisen, What difference does it make? Our response is; a proper view of eschatology (a study of end of the age times) is important because God has revealed his truth to us and it is our responsibility to be diligent students in understanding that truth. Disregarding or minimizing any part of it is poor stewardship. It is never acceptable to say I could be wrong, but I remain comfortable on my views, and don't want to bother with other views. It is a fact today that someone has to be wrong and is teaching error! And it certainly is not the Holy Spirit teaching those errors of scripture in the body of Christ! Therefore, if one view is correct, the others are wrong. The failure to study this issue, and others, forces us to hold one position or another, that is one's doctrines, as a matter of tradition, rather than the Inspired Doctrine of Scripture. While a lot of people go to church, very few actually know the Bible and take Jesus Christ our Lord seriously. Secular Christianity has been watered down, especially in the area of God's Word and its meaning; resulting in great division and confusion concerning many passages seen throughout scripture. The New Testament authors did write about prophecy but a good percentage of their prophetic messages dealt with the immediate fate and future of national Israel. Thus, when they wrote prophetically they wrote primarily about Israel's last days (i.e. end of OC age) while writing prophecy about the early Church's end of the age to come for them, as we read in Hebrews: "So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many and unto them that look for him shall he appear a second time without sin unto salvation (Heb. 9-28). The last days are different from the end times. The last days refer to the last days (age) of Old Covenant Israel; as the body of Christ was being brought in during that 40 year transition period. It was to be the last days for national Israel, but not for the New Covenant Church; its age had just begun, because of God's Grace and the Blood of Jesus Christ our Lord; brought about for the salvation of mankind. In our day, there have come many scoffers both inside and outside of the church, saying that the return of Christ is many, many years away, and others doubt or even deny his coming at all. At present, to most in the world, they do not appear to be threatened by the return of Christ despite the world's present condition in its moral standing with God. Despite the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, despite North Korea and Iran's nuclear stance, a world economy in a near total collapse; many in the secular media procla