Male Genitalia, Rectum, And Prostate
This 10 minute video shows the steps needed to examine the male genitalia, rectum, and prostate, including the proper use of equipment. With the patient standing, it demonstrates how to inspect and palpate the patient's external genitalia and assess for hernias. Then with the patient leaning over the examination table, it presents inspection and palpation of the prostate, anus, and rectum, including bidigital examination. The video shows expected findings and highlights selected variations in techniques and expectations for pediatric and geriatric patients. In addition, it uses graphics to reveal what is happening internally during examination of the rectum and prostate. Animations and overlays demonstrate content and processes that cannot be shown on video (e.g., organs under the skin, lymph nodes, abdomen, pregnancy, transillumination of the sinuses, hydrocele, or scrotal cyst) A booklet is provided with each video, containing overviews and outlines, learning objectives, discussion topics, and review questions with answers Completely redone normal physical examination content Examination content is more fast-paced and streamlined for a more contemporary look More culture, age, and gender variations are featured to reflect a diverse population Lifespan considerations are depicted throughout, with variations in assessment for pediatric and geriatric patients