Henry's Book
My siblings and I went to the same school in Kalimpong, India, and were raised in a beautiful Himalayan setting. When school ended, I spent a year and a half at college in Kanpur, India. Eventually, an engineering master's degree (M.Sc.) in England opened the doors to an adventurous career as an Electronics Engineer in several countries during the exciting times of the 1960s when technological advances, social attitudes, music, fashion, and massive investment money made opportunities abound. My working life was varied and enjoyable over this period, allowing me to travel and work across the oceans, like the buccaneers of the 16th century. I spent fifty years as a Project Manager and enjoyed experiences 'buccaneering' around Australia and overseas. Helen and I married in 1971. We had two daughters and four grandchildren. They inspired me to put pen to paper. Helen has been a critical asset to my writing and my life. She has fed me, nudged me along and suggested revisions of sentences that never made sense. She wrote a book about her six migrant families who sailed to Australia in the 19th century. They took on the harshest outback conditions and survived to raise families, businesses, and wealth that helped Australia survive and grow into the prosperous country it is today. Mine is also a story that might inspire future generations. With facts of good and evil, a happy story emerged from my life's biographical experiences tinted with the fascinating vivid picture of the 16th century's European colonial acquisitions that affected India, my struggling parents, our family, and the present diminished Anglo-Indian community. Stories and information sources came from Helen's travel diaries, my CV and work diaries, Wikipedia, the internet, railway timetables, books about Dr Graham's Homes, Paynter's Homes, maps, census data for information, and school and family photographs. So, entertain yourself by reading about the unusual images of the Queens of Europe, gunships, buccaneers, the horrors of slavery, and colonial occupation, and take an ageing eighteen-year-old boy as a companion through his life and adventures through the following Chapters.