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Minister's Bible-ESV
Minister's Bible-ESV
This volume perfectly complements the work or pastors and counselors; those engaged in the work of pastoral care, lay leaders-indeed, anyone active in the spectrum of Christian service. It offers those who minister a unique, unparalleled collection of resources, including a practical guide to visitation; sample services for weddings, baptisms, and funerals; a step-by-step plan of salvation; easily-accessed scripture references to answer tough questions; and much more. Now a Minister's Biblebased upon the increasingly popular ESV joins Hendrickson's successful line of KJV, NASB, NIV, and NKJV editions. Like its predecessors, the new book will make an excellent gift, whether for seminary graduation, Pastor's Appreciation Month, ministry anniversaries, or any special occasion. OTHER FEATURES INCLUDE • Black letter text with helpful cross-references • Concordance and accurate, full color maps • Key Bible promises section • Sturdy sewn binding for years of use
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The Holy Bible
The Holy Bible
400th Anniversary Edition For 400 years, the Authorized Version of the Bible--popularly known as the King James Version--has been beloved for its majestic phrasing and stately cadences. No other book has so profoundly influenced our language and our theology. Over time, however, the text has suffered subtle and occasionally troublesome alterations. This edition preserves the original 1611 printing. Word for word and page for page, the text with its original marginal notes, preface, and other introductory material appears as it first did. The sole concession to modernity is a far more readable roman typeface set by nineteenth-century master printers. This special edition includes only the complete text of the Protestant canon. "A valuable and essential addition to every Bible library." --John R. Kohlenberger III FEATURES - Original preface and translators' notes - Alfred Pollard's classic essay on pre-1611 English translations and the history of the Authorized Version - New essay on the enduring impact of the KJV - Handsome page design with decorative initials - Clear type is convenient to read and reference - Does not include the Apocrypha
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How to Get Your Book Into Schools and Double Your Income with Volume Sales
How to Get Your Book Into Schools and Double Your Income with Volume Sales
Have you ever dreamed of an entire school reading your book? Would you like to double (or more!) your writing income? With advice and insights that are adaptable to getting your book in front of audiences ranging from middle grade to high school to college, and even to corporations, this book is for you!
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Personal Size Giant Print Reference Bible-KJV
Personal Size Giant Print Reference Bible-KJV
For nearly 400 years, the Authorized Version of the Bible--popularly known as the King James Version--has been beloved for its majestic phrasing and stately cadences. No other book has so profoundly influenced our language and our theology. Large print resources will become increasingly important as baby boomers reach their mid-fifties and excessive computer use results in eye fatigue. This KJV Bible offers giant print for readability, is enhanced by useful study helps and references, and features a convenient trim size for easy portability. Its easy-to-read type, affordability, size, and reference features combine to make it the ideal Bible for both devotional and study purposes. FEATURES OF THE KJV PERSONAL SIZE GIANT PRINT REFERENCE BIBLE - End of verse cross-reference system unlocks the riches of the Bible - Concordance for locating key passages - Full-color maps - Words of Christ in red - Personal presentation page - Gilded page edges - Ribbon marker - 11.25 point type - Convenient trim size for easy portability
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Plagued by Fire
Plagued by Fire
Frank Lloyd Wright has long been known as a rank egotist who held in contempt almost everything aside from his own genius. Harder to detect, but no less real, is a Wright who fully understood, and suffered from, the choices he made. This is the Wright whom Paul Hendrickson reveals in this masterful biography: the Wright who was haunted by his father, about whom he told the greatest lie of his life. And this, we see, is the Wright of many other neglected aspects of his story: his close, and perhaps romantic, relationship with friend and early mentor Cecil Corwin; the eerie, unmistakable role of fires in his life; the connection between the 1921 Black Wall Street massacre in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the murder of his mistress, her two children, and four others at his beloved Wisconsin home. In showing us Wright’s facades along with their cracks, Hendrickson helps us form a fresh, deep, and more human understanding of the man. With prodigious research, unique vision, and his ability to make sense of a life in ways at once unexpected, poetic, and undeniably brilliant, he has given us the defining book on Wright.
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Because Our Fathers Lied
Because Our Fathers Lied
Robert S. McNamara was the official face of Vietnam, the technocrat with steel-rimmed glasses and an ironclad faith in numbers who kept insisting that the war was winnable long after he had ceased to believe it was. In his insightful, morally devastating book, The Living and the Dead, Paul Hendrickson juxtaposes Robert S. McNamara's story with those of a wounded Marine, an Army nurse, a Vietnamese refugee, a Quaker who burned himself to death to protest the war, and an enraged artist who tried to kill the man he saw as the war's architect. This is the brilliant, emotional coda where, in meticulous yet compassionate prose, Hendrickson captures his chase after the story of the man and the haunted years of McNamara’s life after Vietnam. A Vintage Shorts Vietnam Selection. An ebook short.
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Sons of Mississippi
Sons of Mississippi
They stand as unselfconscious as if the photograph were being taken at a church picnic and not during one of the pitched battles of the civil rights struggle. None of them knows that the image will appear in Life magazine or that it will become an icon of its era. The year is 1962, and these seven white Mississippi lawmen have gathered to stop James Meredith from integrating the University of Mississippi. One of them is swinging a billy club. More than thirty years later, award-winning journalist and author Paul Hendrickson sets out to discover who these men were, what happened to them after the photograph was taken, and how racist attitudes shaped the way they lived their lives. But his ultimate focus is on their children and grandchildren, and how the prejudice bequeathed by the fathers was transformed, or remained untouched, in the sons. Sons of Mississippi is a scalding yet redemptive work of social history, a book of eloquence and subtlely that tracks the movement of racism across three generations and bears witness to its ravages among both black and white Americans.
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Lessons From The Mountain
Lessons From The Mountain
All families are complicated, but the reason is typically not a mystery. Ever since the family reunion in the Adirondack Mountains two years ago, nothing has been the same. Annie, the middle sister is experiencing an acute episode of Postpartum Depression. The youngest sister, Cade, has moved to the South working at a school that resembles a trailer park, determined to succeed on her own adventure. Rye is a former teacher of the year working in a wealthy, litigious school district, who is always put together and organized until her father begins to deteriorate. Winnie's husband, Don, has become suddenly ill, both mentally and physically, and no doctor can provide an explanation. The family must watch Don's health decline while dealing with struggles of their own. In a book that exposes the challenges in the education and mental health systems, readers will also find themselves rooting for each character as they search for answers.
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