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Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practice
Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practice
The first English edition of this book was pubUshed in 1971 with the late Prof. Dr. Werner Kern as coauthor. In 1997, for the preparation of the third edition, Prof. Dr. Helmut Ritter joined the team of authors and in 2001 Prof. Dr. Brigitte Voit and Prof. Dr. Matthias Rehahn complemented this team. The change in authors has not altered the basic concept of this 4th edition: again we were not aimed at compiling a comprehensive collection of recipes. In stead, we attempted to reach a broader description of the general methods and techniques for the synthesis, modification, and characterization of macromo- cules, supplemented by 105 selected and detailed experiments and by sufficient theoretical treatment so that no additional textbook be needed in order to under stand the experiments. In addition to the preparative aspects we have also tried to give the reader an impression of the relation of chemical structure and mor phology of polymers to their properties, as well as of areas of their application.
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Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practice
Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practice
This Laboratory Manual contains detailed descriptions for the synthesis and characterization of macromolecules. Around 110 elaborated examples, consisting of descriptions of experiments, as well as sufficient theoretical explanations enable the reader to learn about the syntheses, modification, characterization and properties of polymers including recent developments. All experiments can be conducted with adequate laboratory equipment. Suitable for students in organic and polymer chemistry as well as for chemists in industry who want to acquaint themselves with the theoretical and practical aspects of macromolecular chemistry.
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Notes From a Wayfarer
Notes From a Wayfarer
Helmut Thielicke was one of the most read and most listened to theologians of the twentieth century. Like few others, he repeatedly came down from the ivory tower of academic religion in order to build bridges between the church and the world. In his autobiography, written in 1983, Thielicke sets forth his memoirs from a long and full life. His narrative is filled with deeply thoughtful reflections about the poignancy of life, told with a delightful humour that invites us into every story and encounter. Thielicke also introduces us to the figures he counted among his friends and acquaintances: Karl Barth, Konrad Adenauer, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Dwight Eisenhower, Helmut Kohl and Jimmy Carter. Thielicke was a witness to many of the most significant events of our century; his life history is interwoven with the imperial era, the Weimar Republic, the rise of the Third Reich, a divided Germany, and the tumultuous 1960s. From the perspective of this single life we are afforded a broad and clear vision of the moments that have shaped the generation leading us into the twenty-first century..
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Makromoleküle I
Makromoleküle I
Ein praxisorientiertes Lehrbuch zum nachhaltigen Verständnis über Herstellung und Eigenschaften von Kunststoffen. Auch ökonomische und Umwelt-Aspekte werden umrissen. Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende der Chemie sowie an Forscher in Industrie und Instituten.
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