Flying Away
This is my personal story of my experiences living and teaching on the Old Massett Haida Indian Reserve in the late 1960's. I answered a short ad by the Northern Canadian Department of Indian Affairs to teach Grade One on the Queen Charlotte Islands, now called Haida Gwaii. I then wrote my dear friend simple and honest accounts about life as a Non-Indigenous Canadian teacher in an Indigenous Canadian community and they are printed in this story. I sang to the frightened Grade One children when I entered their classroom, to make our connection. I learned a different way of life that has deepened my appreciation of the Haida culture. This book is dedicated to my Haida adopted daughter, Nina Marie. I hope this story transports you readers to another time in Canadian history to what life was like in Haida Old Massett. I trust your reading experience will be just as wonderful for you, as my 'real life' experience was for me....