The Heart of a Devil
What makes someone a villain? What makes a person "evil"? What drove them to their actions? Were they good once, or have they always had a heart full of darkness? See things from the other side as these 33 stories explore just what makes a villain tick. Featuring 33 stories by Steven S. Hood, Devin Lagasse, T.C. Cumberland, Jesse Weiner, Michelle Mellon, M A Smith, Alex Collingwood, Eddie D. Moore, Jesse Sprague, A.P. Sessler, Helen Mihajlovic, Lionel Ray Green, J.G. Formato, Ville Merilainen, Nicole Tanquary, J. Patton, P.J. Reed, Kristyl Gravina, Chad A. Clark, S. Locke, Jared Zygarlicke, Paul Tanner, Katherine Tomlinson, Cassandra Schoeber, Janel Brubaker, John Grover, Gerri Leen, Ezekiel Kincaid, C. E. Clayton, Josh Dygert, Michael Haynes, Elizabeth Hosang, and Joseph Aitken.