Applied Mixed Models in Medicine
A fully updated edition of this key text on mixed models,focusing on applications in medical research The application of mixed models is an increasingly popular wayof analysing medical data, particularly in the pharmaceuticalindustry. A mixed model allows the incorporation of both fixed andrandom variables within a statistical analysis, enabling efficientinferences and more information to be gained from the data. Therehave been many recent advances in mixed modelling, particularlyregarding the software and applications. This third edition ofBrown and Prescott’s groundbreaking text provides an updateon the latest developments, and includes guidance on the use ofcurrent SAS techniques across a wide range of applications. Presents an overview of the theory and applications of mixedmodels in medical research, including the latest developments andnew sections on incomplete block designs and the analysis ofbilateral data. Easily accessible to practitioners in any area where mixedmodels are used, including medical statisticians andeconomists. Includes numerous examples using real data from medical andhealth research, and epidemiology, illustrated with SAS code andoutput. Features the new version of SAS, including new graphics formodel diagnostics and the procedure PROC MCMC. Supported by a website featuring computer code, data sets, andfurther material. This third edition will appeal to applied statisticians workingin medical research and the pharmaceutical industry, as well asteachers and students of statistics courses in mixed models. Thebook will also be of great value to a broad range of scientists,particularly those working in the medical and pharmaceuticalareas.