Gender in Communication
Gender in Communication: A Critical Introduction embraces the full range of diverse gender identities and expressions to explore how gender influences communication, as well as how communication shapes our concepts of gender for the individual and for society. This comprehensive gender communication book is the first to extensively address the roles of religion, the gendered body, single-sex education, an institutional analysis of gender construction, social construction theory, and more. Throughout the book, readers are equipped with critical analysis tools they can use to form their own conclusions about the ever-changing processes of gender in communication. New to the Third Edition: Current examples in the chapter openers illustrate how a critical gendered lens is necessary and useful by discussing recent events such as Jon Stewart’s critique of the outcry over a J Crew ad, reactions to Serena Williams’s body, photos of a young boy who likes to wear dresses, and the use of Photoshop to create thigh gaps. Updated chapters on voices, work, education, and family reflect major shifts in the state of knowledge. Expanded sections on trans and gender nonconforming reflect changes in language. All other chapters have been updated with new examples, new concepts, and new research. More than 500 new sources have been integrated throughout, and new sections on debates over bathroom bills, intensive mothering, humor, swearing, and Title IX have been added. "His" and "her" pronouns have been replaced with "they" in most cases, even if the reference is singular, in an effort to be more inclusive.