Public Policy and the Economics of Entrepreneurship
The effects of entrepreneurship on a nationaleconomy are assumed to be widespread, influencing new products, prices,innovation, and productivity. Thus, a nation's policies toward the promotionof, or inhibition of, entrepreneurship are significant. This book is acompilation of papers from an April 2001 Syracuse University conference ofeconomists and addresses how public policy should promote entrepreneurship bylooking at the following main categories: Policies to Encourage EntrepreneurialActivity, Entrepreneurs in Unexpected Places, and Entrepreneurship andInequality. (AKP) Table of Contents When Bureaucrats Meet Entrepreneurs: The Design of Effective “Public VentureCapital” Programs, Josh Lerner The Self-Employed are Less Likely to have Health Insurance than WageEarners. So What? Craig William Perry and Harvey S. Rosen Business Formation and the Deregulation of the Banking Industry, SandraE. Black and Philip E. Strahan Public Policy and Innovation in the U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry, FrankR. Lichtenberg Dimensions of Nonprofit Entrepreneurship: An Exploratory Essay, Joseph J.Cordes, C. Eugene Steuerle, and Eric Twombly Does Business Ownership Provide a Source of Upward Mobility for Blacks andHispanics? Robert W. Fairlie Entrepreneurial Activity and Wealth Inequality: A Historical Perspective,Carolyn M. Moehling and Richard H. Steckel.