Internet & World Wide Web
The authoritative DEITEL(TM) LIVE-CODE(TM) introduction to Internet & World Wide Web programming The Internet and World Wide Web have revolutionized software development with multimediaintensive, platform-independent code for conventional Internet-, Intranet- and Extranet-based applications. This college-level textbook carefully explains how to program multitiered, client/server, database-intensive, Web-based applications. Dr. Harvey M. Deitel and Paul J. Deitel are the founders of Deitel & Associates, Inc., the internationally recognized corporate training and content-creation organization specializing in Java(TM), C++, C, Visual C#(TM), Visual Basic(R), Visual C++(R), .NET, XML, Python, Perl, Internet, Web and object technologies. The Deitels are also the authors of the world's #1 Java and C++ textbooks--"Java How to Program, 4/e" and "C++ How to Program, 3/e"--and many other best sellers. In "Internet & World Wide Web How to Program, 2/e," the Deitels and their colleague, Tem R. Nieto, discuss key topics, including: XHTML(TM) /CSS(TM) /Dynamic HTML Multitier Client/Server Applications Internet Explorer(R) 5.5/Netscape(R) 6 Apache/IIS/PWS JavaScript(TM) /VB Script(R) DOM(TM) /DHTML Objects & Events Filters/Transitions/ActiveX(R) Flash(TM) /Animation/ActionScript e-Commerce/Security Wireless Web/WML/WMLScript ASP/JSP/Servlets/Perl/CGI/Python/PHP Web-Page Authoring/Photoshop(R) Elements Data Binding/SQL/MySQL/DBI/ADO XML/XSL(TM) /SVG/SMIL(TM) /Voice XML(TM) Multimedia/Audio/Video/Accessibility Speech Synthesis/Recognition/MS Agent "Internet & World Wide Web How to Program, 2/e" includes extensive pedagogic features: Hundreds of LIVE-CODE(TM)programs with screen captures that show exact outputs Extensive World Wide Web and Internet resources to encourage further research Hundreds of tips, recommended practices and cautions--all marked with icons "Internet & World Wide Web How to Program, 2/e" is the centerpiece of a family of resources for teaching and learning Internet and Web programming, including Web sites ( and with the book's code examples (also on the enclosed CD) and other information for faculty, students and professionals; an optional interactive CD ("Internet & World Wide Web Programming Multimedia Cyber Classroom, 2/e") containing hyperlinks, audio walkthroughs of the code examples, solutions to about half the book's exercises; and e-mail access to the authors at For information on worldwide corporate on-site seminars and Web-based training offered by Deitel & Associates, Inc., visit: For information on current and forthcoming Deitel/Prentice Hall publications including "How to Program Series" books, "Multimedia Cyber Classrooms, Complete Training Courses" (which include Deitel books and Cyber Classrooms) and "Web-Based Training Courses" please see the last few pages of this book.