Wartime Racketeers
Wartime Racketeers, first published in 1945 by newspaper reporters Harry Lever and Joseph Young, is a fascinating look at the multitude of schemes, scams, frauds, and rackets used in World War II to swindle the government, soldiers, and private citizens. The authors, using records from the FBI, U.S. Department of Justice, the Federal Trade Commission, the Better Business Bureau, and other sources, have complied a highly readable account of the many ways the racketeers operated, and the methods used to combat them. From simple scams to multimillion-dollar white collar crime rings, Wartime Racketeers provides a unique insight into this little-known aspect of the War, and as the author's state in their Introduction, “There are people in America who hope that the war will never end. The longer it lasts, the more money will line their pockets...”