Reaching Out
School systems in the United States are not serving Latino students well, especially those from low-income families. This book examines difficulties encountered by Mexican-origin students--one of the fastest growing minority groups--and describes why some schools fall short and how others have improved student outcomes. The focus throughout the book is on positive changes that school staff, families, community, and students can make. Each chapter uses a different lens--culture, language, gender, family and community, and social and political context--to examine issues and challenges affecting first- and second-generation Mexican American children. Chapters are: (1) The Mexican American Student Population: Growth and Diversity (demography, immigration, academic achievement, innovative programs); (2) Cultural Perspectives on Learning (cultural influences on classroom organization and achievement, child rearing, parent education programs); (3) Language, Literacy, and Creating Bridges to Success (the bilingual education controversy, learning English, maintaining Spanish, special needs of migrant students); (4) Gender Issues in Mexican American Schooling (sex role attitudes, teen pregnancy, school factors, peers); (5) Creating Family-School Partnerships (family poverty, parent-school relationship, parent involvement, community outreach, successful programs); and (6) Political, Social, and Pedagogical Issues Impacting Early Childhood Education and Public Schools (immigration and education policy, politics of early childhood education, teacher training, intergroup relations). Chapter 7 describes organizations and programs that provide resources and services. Contains over 300 references, chapter notes, and an index. (SV)