Plant Regulators in Agriculture
An introduction to plant regulators. Principles of plant growth and how plant regulators act. The chemical nature of plant regulators. Encouragement of roots by plant regulators. Control of flowering and fruit setting by plant regulators. Parthenocarpy and fruit development in relation to plant regulators. Abscission and plant regulators. Plant regulators to prevent preharvest fruit drop, delay foliation and blossoming, and thin blossoms and young fruits. Maturing and ripening as influenced by application of plant regulators. Inhibition of sprouting by plant regulators. Plant regulators and plant breeding. Plant regulators for weed control in lawn, garden, orchard, and nursery. Plant regulators for weed control in field crops. Plant regulators for weed control in the tropics. Plant regulators for vegetation control on non-crop land. Equipment and methods for the application of plant regulators.