Astounding Stories of Super-Science
This is a reprint (in paperback form) of "Astounding Stories of Super-Science," November, 1930 with the following illustrated stories:VOL. IV, No. 2 CONTENTS NOVEMBER, 1930 COVER DESIGN H. W. WESSOLOWSKI _Painted in Water-Colors from a Scene in "The Pirate Planet."_ THE WALL OF DEATH VICTOR ROUSSEAU page 7_Out of the Antarctic It Came--a Wall of Viscid, Grey, Half-Human Jelly, Absorbing and Destroying All Life That It Encountered._ THE PIRATE PLANET CHARLES W. DIFFIN page 32_A Strange Light Blinks on Venus, and Over Old Earth Hovers a Mysterious Visitant--Dread Harbinger of Interplanetary War._ (Beginning a Four-Part Novel.) THE DESTROYER WILLIAM MERRIAM ROUSE page 73_Slowly, Insidiously, There Stole Over Allen Parker Something Uncanny. He Could No Longer Control His Hands--Even His Brain!_ THE GRAY PLAGUE L. A. ESHBACH page 92_Maimed and Captive, in the Depths of an Interplanetary Meteor-Craft, Lay the Only Possible Savior of Plague-Ridden Earth._ JETTA OF THE LOWLANDS RAY CUMMINGS page 119_Black-Garbed Figures Move in Ghastly Greenness As the Invisible Flyer Speeds on Its Business of Ransom._ (Conclusion.) VAGABONDS OF SPACE HARL VINCENT page 143_From the Depths of the Sargasso Sea of Space Came the Thought-Warning, "Turn Back!" But Carr and His Martian Friend Found It Was Too Late!_ (A Complete Novelette.) THE READERS' CORNER ALL OF US page 182_A Meeting Place for Readers of Astounding Stories._