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Introduction To Quantum Mechanics: Schrodinger Equation And Path Integral (Second Edition)
Introduction To Quantum Mechanics: Schrodinger Equation And Path Integral (Second Edition)
This text on quantum mechanics begins by covering all the main topics of an introduction to the subject. It then concentrates on newer developments. In particular it continues with the perturbative solution of the Schrödinger equation for various potentials and thereafter with the introduction and evaluation of their path integral counterparts. Considerations of the large order behavior of the perturbation expansions show that in most applications these are asymptotic expansions. The parallel consideration of path integrals requires the evaluation of these around periodic classical configurations, the fluctuation equations about which lead back to specific wave equations. The period of the classical configurations is related to temperature, and permits transitions to the thermal domain to be classified as phase transitions.In this second edition of the text important applications and numerous examples have been added. In particular, the chapter on the Coulomb potential has been extended to include an introduction to chemical bonds, the chapter on periodic potentials has been supplemented by a section on the band theory of metals and semiconductors, and in the chapter on large order behavior a section has been added illustrating the success of converging factors in the evaluation of asymptotic expansions. Detailed calculations permit the reader to follow every step.
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Introduction To Quantum Mechanics: Schrodinger Equation And Path Integral (Second Edition)
Introduction To Quantum Mechanics: Schrodinger Equation And Path Integral (Second Edition)
This text on quantum mechanics begins by covering all the main topics of an introduction to the subject. It then concentrates on newer developments. In particular it continues with the perturbative solution of the Schrödinger equation for various potentials and thereafter with the introduction and evaluation of their path integral counterparts. Considerations of the large order behavior of the perturbation expansions show that in most applications these are asymptotic expansions. The parallel consideration of path integrals requires the evaluation of these around periodic classical configurations, the fluctuation equations about which lead back to specific wave equations. The period of the classical configurations is related to temperature, and permits transitions to the thermal domain to be classified as phase transitions.In this second edition of the text important applications and numerous examples have been added. In particular, the chapter on the Coulomb potential has been extended to include an introduction to chemical bonds, the chapter on periodic potentials has been supplemented by a section on the band theory of metals and semiconductors, and in the chapter on large order behavior a section has been added illustrating the success of converging factors in the evaluation of asymptotic expansions. Detailed calculations permit the reader to follow every step.
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Electrodynamics (2nd Edition)
Electrodynamics (2nd Edition)
Electrodynamics is a basic area of physics, encompassing also classical and quantum physics, optics, relativity and field theory, and is of universal practical importance. The present text aims at a balance between basic theory and practical applications, and includes introductions to specific quantum mechanical effects. The detailed presentation allows the reader to follow every step. Each chapter is supplemented by both worked examples and unsolved exercises. This thoroughly revised second edition with new sections on networks and diffraction, and with international units stated wherever relevant, covers all the material normally required for a first degree in physics and beyond, and may serve as a step to advanced applications and research.
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Electrodynamics: An Introduction Including Quantum Effects
Electrodynamics: An Introduction Including Quantum Effects
An extensive text on electrodynamics with detailed explanations and calculations. One hundred worked examples have been incorporated, making the book suitable also for self-instruction. Apart from all traditional topics of Maxwell theory, the book includes the special theory of relativity and the Lagrangian formalism and applications; the text also contains introductions to quantum effects related to electrodynamics, such as the Aharonov-Bohm and the Casimir effects. Numerous modern applications in diverse directions are treated in the examples.
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Introduction To Supersymmetry (2nd Edition)
Introduction To Supersymmetry (2nd Edition)
Supersymmetry is a symmetry which combines bosons and fermions in the same multiplet of a larger group which unites the transformations of this symmetry with that of spacetime. Thus every bosonic particle must have a fermionic partner and vice versa. Since this is not what is observed, this symmetry with inherent theoretical advantages must be badly broken. It is hoped that the envisaged collider experiments at CERN will permit a first experimental test, which is expected to revive the interest in supersymmetry considerably.This revised edition of the highly successful text of 20 years ago provides an introduction to supersymmetry, and thus begins with a substantial chapter on spacetime symmetries and spinors. Following this, graded algebras are introduced, and thereafter the supersymmetric extension of the spacetime Poincaré algebra and its representations. The Wess-Zumino model, superfields, supersymmetric Lagrangians, and supersymmetric gauge theories are treated in detail in subsequent chapters. Finally the breaking of supersymmetry is addressed meticulously. All calculations are presented in detail so that the reader can follow every step.
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Classical Mechanics And Relativity (Second Edition)
Classical Mechanics And Relativity (Second Edition)
The text covers the entire domain of basic classical mechanics and relativity theory (special and general) and has been revised mainly for the purpose of adding exercises without worked solutions that were missing in the first edition. To retain the format of a readable, yet advanced introductory text that can serve as the companion text for a course in mechanics, the more than 100 new exercises on diverse topics are of moderate range; answers are given and occasionally hints are provided. As before, the text aims to cover the entire spectrum of theoretical mechanics from Newton to Einstein. The reader can observe how in the course of time, deeper and deeper insights were achieved with the development of the basic equations of Newton to those of Euler and Lagrange, and to the geodesic equations of space-time and Einstein's relativity. To include diverse problems, a small section on this topic has been added.
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Basics Of Statistical Physics (Third Edition)
Basics Of Statistical Physics (Third Edition)
Statistics links microscopic and macroscopic phenomena, and requires for this reason a large number of microscopic elements like atoms. The results are values of maximum probability or of averaging. This introduction to statistical physics concentrates on the basic principles and attempts to explain these in simple terms, supplemented by numerous examples. These basic principles include the difference between classical and quantum statistics, a priori probabilities as related to degeneracies, the vital aspect of indistinguishability as compared with distinguishability in classical physics, the differences between conserved and non-conserved elements, the different ways of counting arrangements in the three statistics (Maxwell-Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac, Bose-Einstein), the difference between maximization of the number of arrangements of elements, and averaging in the Darwin-Fowler method. Significant applications to solids, radiation and electrons in metals are treated in separate chapters, as well as Bose-Einstein condensation. In this latest edition, apart from a general revision, the topic of thermal radiation has been expanded with a new section on black bodies and an additional chapter on black holes. Other additions are more examples with applications of statistical mechanics in solid state physics and superconductivity. Throughout the presentation, the introduction carries almost all details for calculations.
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Electrodynamics (2nd Edition)
Electrodynamics (2nd Edition)
Electrodynamics is a basic area of physics, encompassing also classical and quantum physics, optics, relativity and field theory, and is of universal practical importance. The present text aims at a balance between basic theory and practical applications, and includes introductions to specific quantum mechanical effects. The detailed presentation allows the reader to follow every step. Each chapter is supplemented by both worked examples and unsolved exercises. This thoroughly revised second edition with new sections on networks and diffraction, and with international units stated wherever relevant, covers all the material normally required for a first degree in physics and beyond, and may serve as a step to advanced applications and research.
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Introduction To Supersymmetry (2nd Edition)
Introduction To Supersymmetry (2nd Edition)
Supersymmetry is a symmetry which combines bosons and fermions in the same multiplet of a larger group which unites the transformations of this symmetry with that of spacetime. Thus every bosonic particle must have a fermionic partner and vice versa. Since this is not what is observed, this symmetry with inherent theoretical advantages must be badly broken. It is hoped that the envisaged collider experiments at CERN will permit a first experimental test, which is expected to revive the interest in supersymmetry considerably.This revised edition of the highly successful text of 20 years ago provides an introduction to supersymmetry, and thus begins with a substantial chapter on spacetime symmetries and spinors. Following this, graded algebras are introduced, and thereafter the supersymmetric extension of the spacetime Poincaré algebra and its representations. The Wess-Zumino model, superfields, supersymmetric Lagrangians, and supersymmetric gauge theories are treated in detail in subsequent chapters. Finally the breaking of supersymmetry is addressed meticulously. All calculations are presented in detail so that the reader can follow every step.
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Basics Of Statistical Physics (Second Edition)
Basics Of Statistical Physics (Second Edition)
Statistics links microscopic and macroscopic phenomena, and requires for this reason a large number of microscopic elements like atoms. The results are values of maximum probability or of averaging. This introduction to statistical physics concentrates on the basic principles, and attempts to explain these in simple terms supplemented by numerous examples. These basic principles include the difference between classical and quantum statistics, a priori probabilities as related to degeneracies, the vital aspect of indistinguishability as compared with distinguishability in classical physics, the differences between conserved and non-conserved elements, the different ways of counting arrangements in the three statistics (Maxwell-Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac, Bose-Einstein), the difference between maximization of the number of arrangements of elements, and averaging in the Darwin-Fowler method. Significant applications to solids, radiation and electrons in metals are treated in separate chapters, as well as Bose-Einstein condensation. This revised second edition contains an additional chapter on the Boltzmann transport equation along with appropriate applications. Also, more examples have been added throughout, as well as further references to literature.
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