Waves and Oscillations in Plasmas
Winner of an Outstanding Academic Title Award from CHOICE Magazine The result of more than 15 years of lectures in plasma sciences presented at universities in Denmark, Norway, and the United States, Waves and Oscillations in Plasmas addresses central issues in modern plasma sciences. The book covers fluid models as well as kinetic plasma models, including a detailed discussion of, for instance, collisionless Landau damping. Offering a clear separation of linear and nonlinear models, the book can be tailored for readers of varying levels of expertise. Designed to provide basic training in linear as well as nonlinear plasma dynamics, and practical in areas as diverse as the space sciences, laboratory experiments, plasma processing, and more, this book includes: Sections on basic experimental methods, facilitating students’ appreciation of experimental results from laboratory and space plasmas Elements of electromagnetic field theory, fluid mechanics, and wave dynamics, including features of nonlinear wave analysis Basic mathematical tools and other relevant material are summarized in Appendices Exercises as well as short sections that can be used for student presentations A comprehensive reference list reviewing classic papers and notable texts in the field Waves and Oscillations in Plasmas provides a solid foundation in basic plasma physics and its applications, giving a practical introduction to more advanced methods as well. Including simple physical interpretations where possible, this comprehensive, classroom-tested book places plasma sciences in the logical context of general classical physics.