The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life
Hannah Whitall Smith's classic, “The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life,” is thoroughly biblical, extremely helpful, and highly recommended for new Christians. Smith wisely distinguishes between internal temptations and sin. Her book is right up there with other classics such as "Abandonment to Divine Providence" by Jean-Pierre de Caussade, "Centuries of Meditations" by Thomas Traherne, or "A Testament of Devotion" by Thomas Kelly (another Quaker classic). Written over 100 years ago, Smith's book is more about the “joyful” life than the “happy” one (in today's terminology. Her secrets, as shared in the book, are surrendering all to God, trusting implicitly in Him, and immediate obedience. She also provides many anecdotal stories to help the reader understand how much God loves us and how surrender, trust, and obedience result in our abiding more deeply in Christ and consequently having joy in all circumstances.