Her Secrets & His Journey
On a cruel, silent night, a mother abandoned her child in a faraway land; an isolated island where the little boy had to face the unknown fate on his own. He grew up to have unique talents, a charismatic personality and a captivating appearance, and above all, he earned a precious place in the people´s hearts. But beyond his strong façade, he kept his weaknesses as a secret to himself, and none of his people knew what he was going through deep inside. The young, wise man could not escape the painful questions of the past, he suffered from doubts in the present and worried about the future. But these were not all his fears; there has been something alarming that caused him endless, sleepless nights. He saw signs of a hidden threat, a great danger that would end the existence of the island and the people he dearly loves and promised to protect; peace on his land was coming to an end, and it was only a matter of time before the disguised evil wins. And there was no other way to save the island except through Her... Tales say that she has all the answers to what man seeks, she holds the keys to the secrets of everything, but the problem is; she was a strange, grand mystery herself. Some people believe that she is still present to the day, and few suspect that she ever existed, while others insist that she lived but centuries ago and what remained are stories about her. But that´s not the only thing that the people of the island disagreed upon; no one was sure of the true identity of this legendary woman; is she an angel or the devil himself? Was she a witch or a blessed, old lady with spiritual gifts, or she is much more than anyone could ever imagine? He received many warnings not to try to find her, but nonetheless, he decided to take this insane risk. He sailed away, leaving his land for the very first time in his life and began his journey; not only for the sake of his people and his land, but secretly he wished to discover her truth and learn her secrets.